Raju Kumar is excited today.Being the egg- frier for the last seven years in the IIT Kanpur Hall9 mess, he has seen all the ups and downs of the life of a mess egg-frier. But today is something different. A hint of smile appears on the edges of his lips as he turns around to see the alien-esque creature at every fifteen second interval. In raw masculine terms, Raju is not a bad-looking guy either. He has three big muscular hands, one protuberating from his back. He has beautiful diastemic teeth and big big lips.He also coated one of his molar teeth with bronze. And he plans to color his hair with a golden dye.No doubt, he fancies his chances with the new girl.
To his slight disappointment,
the girl has not looked at him yet. There is a chaos in the mess as boys who did not care about their hair have suddenly started tending to them like a shepherd tends to his sheep in Nashua, sometimes. Look at the boys queue on the counter.It is quite a scene when they swipe their scalps in sync and turn their bobbed out heads for a cursory glance. Puttan, the coupon guy, is also sitting restlessly.Puttan has forty two teeth and he claims it gives him an edge over the others.
Let us call the girl Pinky for the lack of a better name. Now, after thirty two specks of rice and air, she has had her full and intends to leave with his friend who happens to a boy. This causes utter panic among the messwallahs. People hurry to finish their meal in a bid to overtake her in the handwash room. Two peacocks stand outside curious about the hullabaloo. As the girl leaves, she appears to look at Puttan for a moment. Puttan cannot contain himself and dies. Two tyrannosarauras raptors crash into the mess from the ceiling and start to eat people randomly. 32 people are dead as a result and two of them are said to be critical.