Sunday, April 20, 2014

Artwork that can only be appreciated by nosediggers

I am upto no good. Please offer me an art project and I'd be happy to fuck it up for you.

Random Art Story Title

How To Piss Off The Bus Conductor

How To Get A Seat In A Bangalore Bus

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sometimes I noticing that peepul using very heaby english. I mind boggling.

Tennis this morning. Wore Anshuman's fake aviator glasses today. A Detroit Tigers baseball cap. Then jumped on his second hand piaggio scooter. The scooter coughed to a start. The marutis give me an oldstare, I promised myself to get an Audi someday. Listed some ideas I'd like to implement before dying:

1. Convert to Islam and skydive into my fake funeral.
2. Become a car mechanic at Tapan's. I'd like some grease for my smooth career.
3. Open a milk company. Counter Sudha's dominance in rnchi... Amrit christened it already - 'Anandi doodh' (no pun intended) . Roshan becomes my de facto deputy. (intended)
4. Buy some sense of humour from Shrey's. Extra cheese.
5. Learn some dance. Sharat Chandra my inspiration.
6. Run nakid on the street when India wins the FIFA world cup.
7. Call for an all-India bandh.
8. Buy a handsome surya tubelight from Don's.
9. Buy a facebook friend.
10. Maul a bear to death. This is Chapaataaaaaaaa. Krrunch . boom boom pow.